2 thoughts on “Get Your Garlic On! “Monkey Science””

  1. Hi Jill – Doug Fogel here…Shari introduced us at a Rodney Strong event on Sat., June 18. Just finished watching the garlic videos…hilarious! I especially liked the pressure cooker/meatloaf thing. I have some ideas for monetizing it that you may be interested in hearing about. Of course it involves the garlic cook book. Feel free to call me at 707-395-0840.

    1. Hi Doug,
      Hey there Doug, Thanks for taking the time to message me. And, that’s great! Yes, We’re hoping to monetize the site using the book and are waiting for Shari and her web guy to find time to get together to make decisions. Right now the sticking point is setting up a webpage for Shari Kazowie which doesn’t comprimise her day job. Of course she wants/needs to be fully involved with that process.

      Could you contact her directly to prompt her on that? She’s pretty full with work and caregiving now, I don’t expect any changes to be done for another several weeks. But it can’t help to put something on her radar.

      Good to meet you the other day, as well!

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